Which Food can Stop Hair Fall?

healthy nutrition advice

Are you going through excessive hair fall and have started seeing globs of hair in your hairbrush or shower drain? If so, you’re not alone. Welcome to this page, where every hair loss question you have is answered.

Due to our daily routine and hectic work schedules, many times we are unaware of the hair loss. Therefore, we do not pay much attention to this. However, as a matter of fact everyone should be aware of every change that happens inside and outside your body. Anybody can experience hair fall and at any age. Understanding the reason for your hair loss is a crucial one.

What Causes Hair Fall?

Hair loss can be the worst nightmare for anyone. But, the naked truth is everyone loses hair at some point in their life. It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs daily. Anything more than that range means you’re experiencing a serious hair fall problem.

So, what causes hair fall is the first and foremost question that most of us wanted to know. In actual fact, there are various causes of hair fall. The most common ones are Androgenetic Alopecia (hereditary hair loss), Telogen Effluvium (hair loss due to a medical event or problem), Anagen Effluvium (hair fall due to treatment like chemotherapy), and Tinea Capitis (hair fall due to fungal infection of the scalp). There are many more causes of hair fall. For more details on Telogen Effluvium and its relation to COVID-19, read our blog on “COVID-19: Is Hair Loss a New Consequence of Coronavirus?

Although, the causes of hair fall are many, you should not forget that hair fall is strongly linked to your diet and lifestyle.

Foods That Prevent Hair Fall

If you’re wondering “How To Stop Hair Fall?” and “How Can I Regrow Hair?” it’s time to reorganise your diet with foods that helps in stopping hair fall and enhance hair health. To help you, we’ve given below a list of the best foods for hair fall. Take a look.

1. Carrots

We know that carrots are good for eyes, but what we least know is that the Vitamin A in carrots is good for your scalp as well. A healthy scalp ensures that your hair is well moisturised and strengthened. In addition, carrots contain Biotin, which helps is hair growth.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a rich source of protein and biotin which helps in preventing hair fall by improving the infrastructure of keratin. Plus, egg yolks are rich in Vitamin D that helps your hair to grow stronger and shinier. The folate, zinc, and selenium in eggs also acts as a hair booster.

3. Oats

Not just loaded with fibre, oats also contains enormous Zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that helps in maintaining a healthy hair. As this ingredient can be obtained only through diet, do not forget to include a bowl of oats in your breakfast at least twice a week.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts, also known as “hair food” is an excellent food for your hair. They are a powerhouse of omega-6 fatty acids that is essential for healthy and luscious hair. Walnuts are also full of zinc, iron, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), and abundance of protein.

5. Almonds

Nuts play a major role in nourishing the body in a plenty of ways. But, almonds in particular have an important role in hair growth. Almonds are rich in magnesium that helps in nourishing the scalp, strengthening the hair strands, preventing hair breakage, and ultimately prevents hair fall. Almonds are also one of the best dietary sources of Vitamin E.

6. Spinach

No nutrition tips for hair fall would be complete without Spinach. Spinach acts as a powerful support system for hair growth. Spinach is rich in Iron and Silica. We have already seen how iron helps with the hair fall problem. In the same way, silica is a mineral that helps in strengthening your hair. These leafy greens have tons of Vitamin A and Vitamin C that are good for the scalp.

7. Lentils

Lentils aren’t yummy, but they’re an important source of protein, iron, phosphorus, and Vitamins. Lentils are also a rich source of folic acid. Folic acid helps in reviving the health of the red blood cells that supplies oxygen to the scalp and nourishes them. Split pigeon peas, red lentils, peas, yellow lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans are a few examples of lentils.

8. Lean Protein Rich Foods

If you’re a fitness freak or gym buff, you would know important lean protein is to grow your muscles. The same thing happens to your hair. The lean protein in chicken, white-fleshed fish, and lean beef will help strengthen your weak hair and prevent hair fall or breakage. If you’re a vegetarian, you can include greek yogurt, tofu, peanuts, and cottage cheese to your diet.

9. Foods Fortified With Vitamin D

When you’re deficient with Vitamin D, new hair growth can be stopped. Sunlight is the best and natural source of Vitamin D. Apart from that, some of the foods that contain Vitamin D in bulk are breakfast cereals, fortified orange juice, fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, and mushrooms.

10. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene that stimulates the glands in your scalp to make an oily fluid called sebum. This helps in keeping the hair healthy, encouraging growth of new hair, all while preventing the hair from falling.

11. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are a rich source of beta-carotene and protein that helps in reducing hair fall and enhancing hair growth. They also rich in antioxidants and amino acids, which boosts the oxygen level in your scalp and revives the hair follicles. Curry leaves also help prevent premature hair greying.

12. Amla Juice

This vitamin C rich food is also a powerhouse of minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients that can increase the circulation of blood throughout the scalp, thereby providing enough oxygen supply and nourishes the hair follicles. This in turn makes the hair fibres strong and puts an end to the hair fall.

13. Guava

Guava is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, and minerals like copper, manganese, and magnesium. It has more Vitamin C than oranges and more potassium than a banana. This powerful combination can be a great benefit for your hair. Like the fruit, the guava leaves are also a rich source of Vitamin B and C, that boosts collagen activity and reduces hair fall.

14. Flaxseeds

Due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, copper, and selenium, Flaxseeds nourish the scalp and prevent it from becoming dry and scaly. It also helps improve blood circulation in the head, thus reducing hair damage and hair fall and promotes hair growth.

Quick Tips To Prevent Hair Fall

  1. Never comb wet hair
  2. Avoid stress
  3. Get a sound sleep
  4. Reduce the use of styling products or harsh chemicals on your hair
  5. Do not change your shampoo or conditioner constantly
  6. Use hair products as per your hair type
  7. Use wide-toothed comb and start detangling your hair from the bottom
  8. Let your hair dry naturally, do not use dryer
  9. Cover your head when out in the sun, pollution and dust
  10. Oil your hair twice a week

Can We Stop Hair Fall Permanently?

Some hair fall is temporary. For example, hair fall caused by hormonal changes, medication, pregnancy or any illness can be reversed and your hair will grow back. Whereas other hair fall, like the ones caused by genetics are permanent and you need to seek professional hair fall treatment.

The Best Nutrients and Vitamins For Hair Loss

It is a common fallacy to think that simply following your daily hair regimen like oiling, shampooing, and conditioning will make the hair strong and healthy. Doing that is imperative, but the naked truth is internal nourishment is as important as external care.

The easiest, cheapest and most non-intrusive method is by eating a proper diet. Eating the right food is the first step in caring for your hair. Diet plays a crucial role in hair health. You would have to believe the age-old saying “You are what you eat”. Build a diet plan that includes the following nutrients and vitamins for hair loss


Your hair is primarily made of protein called keratin. Thus, the protein forms the most basic nutrient needed for hair growth.


Iron plays a crucial role in producing haemoglobin that helps in carrying enough oxygen to your roots, thus reducing hair fall and enhancing your hair growth.

Vitamins A

Vitamin A produces an oily substance called sebum. This moisturises the hair and helps in keeping your hair strong and healthy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C produces a protein known as collagen, which is an important part of the hair structure. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron, which is an essential mineral for hair growth.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles (the tiny pores from which new hairs grow) New follicles help maintain the thickness of the hair and prevent existing hair from falling out early.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that helps your scalp get revitalised and offers a perfect environment for strong and healthy hair growth.


Biotin is an important B vitamin that helps in improving your body’s keratin infrastructure and thus improves hair growth.

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids

These fatty acids can help prevent dry scalp and help your hair grow and shine. They also boost hair growth by increasing the activity of certain proteins in the body.


Zinc helps with sebum production, which keeps the scalp well moisturised and also wards of unwanted microbes and flakes.


Selenium is essential for the production of the thyroid hormones that help to regulate hair growth and it also kills dandruff causing fungus.


Magnesium is a natural anti-stress mineral and it also plays a crucial role in promoting the growth of hair follicles, thus reducing hair fall.

A Word From Fine Fettle

Just as eating a healthy, balanced diet can improve your overall health, so is the health of your hair. What you eat has a great impact on your hair. A poor diet is the most common cause of hair fall. So, concentrate on eating foods rich in nutrition that helps hair fall. You can try adding some of the above foods to your diet to stop hair fall and promote hair growth.

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